Bach Remedies and short, meaningful reads as gentle reminders that meaning, beauty and joy are within us.

The Bach Flower Remedies revitalize, restore the inner well being, help us in bringing to light the positive qualities we possess and in overcoming fears, depressions and states alike.

Let your soul grow

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Bach Flower Remedies - Reaching the Strings of the Soul

Bach Flower Remedies - Reaching the Strings of the Soul
I usually don't write about the B F  remedies. Maybe because silently they've become a normal part of my life, or better yet a constant reference point. Using them when times call for them goes without saying.
The remedies offered me so many wonderful moments, I've experienced extraordinary effects and it is almost a shame that I've never written about it.
This is a short attempt to render the uniqueness and grace of their work in a a brief description of a recent happening.
Certain events made me feel restless, and the state of mind called for White Chestnut. Over time I've used it successfully for insomnia. And it worked beautifully this time too. In minutes my mind and soul calmed down. Those strings of the soul that play the accord of peace were touched and harmony flowed. Needless to say that I reacted better to the situation and as a bonus I found a piece of information that helped me and most of all rendered me the very big picture of what was going on. It was an incredible feeling where I was both amazed and grateful.
Whenever the strings of the mind and soul aren't reached and confusion or suffering arise, the remedies play the restoring chant, gracefully reaching our inner core and letting harmony flow in.
I am so grateful for having them I my life and grateful for the people who led me to them

Foto: Ioana Orbescu

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Challenges and Structures - Fragments from A Dangerous Age

A Dangerous Age by Dane Rudhyar

Actually there is not one dangerous age. Danger arises when something deep within us becomes radically dissatisfied with things-as-they-are in our lives. This dissatisfaction may be caused by what we have done, or failed to accomplish —or by what others, closely surrounding us, have done or failed to do. Dissatisfaction can be glorified into what poets and mystics have often called divine discontent; but more often perhaps it should rather carry the name of devilish restlessness. But we must not forget that even the devil ultimately serves God, even if he does not know he does, and even if it takes a long time for you to find it out.

Saturn simply helps you to arrange your life the way you want it, even if you do not know precisely that you want it that way. Saturn gives you the cardboard and the glue, the cement and the wooden-forms to build your life-compartments. If you hand these Saturnian tools to someone else, because you are tired or you do not want to dirty your hands, that is not Saturn's fault.

.... is just that you do not dare to be transformed where you are. The transformation would most likely affect and renew as well, to a degree at least, those around you


The difficulty is still more acute if change would mean giving up whatever security you have, physical, financial or spiritual.

life's demand for a change of level.


Many times what oneself considers a happy life, a happy marriage, is only a well compartmentalized attempt at not facing the crucial issue. Then something happens to disturb the equilibrium of this highly varnished status quo; the mask of conjugal tranquility falls, or that of professional success collapses, to show under the masks a great depth of insecurity, immaturity and pain.


Opposition aspects ask of you that you become fully aware.  In the situations we are now discussing what is necessary is to become fully aware of what one failed to do some fifteen years before or even thirty years before, at and after puberty. One must as well become aware, and even more so, of why one failed, or only partly succeeded. In a great many instances the masks could have been relinquished without tragedy or public show of excitement, if the meaning of the astrological "opposition aspects" of Saturn and Uranus to their natal places had been understood. Opposition aspects ask of you that you become fully aware. In the situations we are now discussing what is necessary is to become fully aware of what one failed to do some fifteen years before or even thirty years before, at and after puberty. One must as well become aware, and even more so, of why one failed, or only partly succeeded.


This is why so many of the people who come to psychoanalysts and religious or lay counselors are around age forty or in their late forties. They sense, more or less acutely, the need to become more aware. What precipitates the crisis may be some innocent enough flirting, or a seemingly unexplainable breaking-down of mental and emotional barriers so carefully erected to keep away intruders.


It must be so, simply because life itself—and all spiritual progress—brings you essentially most upsetting experiences! They try to set you up. Your reluctance, your fears, your refusal lead to the upsets.


The evening was so lovely; he was so charming! I needed so much some nice, warm words that day!

. . ." Circumstances are blamed, more or less. But actually the occurrence has far deeper roots in a past, either long forgotten, or carefully interpreted away by the ego that was unable or unwilling to face fully life's demand for a change of level. "If you do not move upward," says life, "I shall strike you from your lower depths." The forgotten or despised root-energies of human nature can and do take their revenge, usually at the most inopportune moment, when the pain and anguish they inflict can be most acutely felt, most upsetting.


It must be so, simply because life itself—and all spiritual progress—brings you essentially most upsetting experiences! They try to set you up. Your reluctance, your fears, your refusal lead to the upsets. So, what occurs when Saturn opposes, around age forty-five, its natal place (that is, the type of order and stability which is individually your own) is practically always a result, direct or indirect, of what you did not do— or of what you allowed to become deviated—when you were around thirty and Saturn wasconjunct its natal place. The upset is "Uranian," but the urge to move "up" at thirty was really "Saturnian." It was the urge to be your Truth, to demonstrate effectively what you are as an individual—and not merely as a social type, or as the son or daughter of your parents. When the upset comes, what is there to be done? Essentially, you should welcome it as a sign that you are still really alive, or that you have not settled hopelessly into a rut, that you can still grow up. But to welcome an upset without fear, guilt, shame or emotional dramatics does not mean to rush blindly into the new path and the new direction outward it may present under most fascinating mirage-like forms!

Pr. Hrisostom Filipescu ,, Fa rai din ce ai"

"Cândva nu vom mai avea nevoie de cuvinte. Limbajul sufletului se înțelege peste tot în natură. Suntem ceea ce gândim (sănătoși, bolnavi, fericiți, nefericiți). Gândurile sunt coroană de spini sau de flori pe capul fiecăruia. Ele descarcă o anumită chimie în corp. Orice emoție negativă blochează celulele sistemului imunitar și ne lasă organismul fără apărare pentru câteva ore sau chiar ani. Stresul este moartea celulei. E drept că unele celule nervoase se refac printr-o gândire constructivă, optimistă, dar e nevoie de MUNCĂ personală. Orice boală trebuie tratată cu înțelegere, compasiune și nu cu revoltă, deoarece unele suferințe le primim ca lecții, iar  altele au cauze spirituale (egoism, invidie,  răzbunare, stres, frică etc).

Fără Dumnezeu nu există bucurie autentică, iar prezența Lui se simte la tot pasul. De la sufletele care ne apar în Calea ce-o avem de parcurs, până la natura care mângâie simțurile într-o doxologie nemărginită. Cea mai mare minune este să iubești toți oamenii. Și nu putem împărtăși celuilalt ceea ce nu suntem deja. Cred că nu ne lipsesc informațiile, ci experiențele. Viața nu este o formulă matematică general valabilă, ci trăire în Duh și în Adevăr.

În ființa lor toate lucrurile din lume sunt bune, întrebuințarea lor uneori este greșită. Tot ce există este bun și orice cădere aduce ceva folositor la lumină. Creștinismul și din păcat scoate virtute. Când iertăm, nu doar sufletul nostru se simte ușurat, ci mai ales sufletul celui pe care îl iertăm. Întoarce-te în tine de oriunde ai fi și primește-te, iartă-te. Viața se trăiește, nu se caută, nu se învață. Trăiește adevărul, bucuria și iubirea. Ele se află acolo unde ești. Liniștea nu este într-un loc, ci într-un mod de a fi. Sunt două zile în care nu mai putem face nimic: ieri și mâine. Prezentul este timpul mântuirii. Amânarea înseamnă niciodată. Un om valorează atât cât iubește. Restul e poveste.

Verbul meu este în inimă și pulverizează spre voi. E nevoie să înțelegem că nu am fost creați de Dumnezeu ca să suferim, ci ca să ne întâlnim cu El într-o poveste de iubire. Unică. În ochii tăi este soare când iubești. Iar ca să ajungi la fericire nu ai nevoie de hartă, ci de prezență, de tine."