There's a quick guide to the remedies' main indications:
1. Agrimony: worries kept hidden from others, inner torture
2. Aspen: fears of unknown origin
3. Beech: criticism, intolerance
4. Centaury: can't say no, weak will and appearance
5. Cerato: self-doubt, constantly seek the advice of others
6. Cherry Plum: mental tension leading to loosing control
7. Chestnut Bud: can't learn from experience, hence repetitive situations
8. Chicory: possessive feelings towards close ones, self-pity
9. Clematis: dreamy, out of focus
10.Crab Apple: obsessed with cleanliness, the purifying remedy
11.Elm: despondency, over-worked by accumulation of tasks and responsibility
12.Gentian: discouragement after setbacks
13.Gorse: loss of hope, despair
14.Heather: self-concern, over-talkative
15.Holly: jealousy, hurt feelings, suspicion, envy
16.Honeysuckle: nostalgia, living in the past, homesickness
17.Hornbeam: fatigue more in the mind than in the body, exhaustion
18.Impatiens: irritability caused by lack of patience
19.Larch: no confidence in oneself, anticipation of failure
20.Mimulus: anxieties of known origin
21.Mustard: melancholy, deep depression
22.Oak: intense efforts, despair
23.Olive: physical exhaustion
24.Pine: guilt, self-blame
25.Red Chestnut: fear for others
26.Rock Rose: terror, panic
27.Rock Water: self-repression, inflexibility
28.Scleranthus: unable to decide between two options, hesitancy, unbalance
29.Star of Bethlehem: in case of mental or physical shock
30.Sweet Chestnut: extreme despair
31.Vervain: strain, over-enthusiasm
32.Vine: dominating, inflexible
33.Walnut: oversensitive to influences, for new beginnings
34.Water Violet: pride, loneliness
35.White Chestnut: repetitive thoughts
36.Wild Oat: dissatisfaction, uncertainty about one's direction in life
37.Wild Rose: resignation
38.Willow: resentment, bitterness