Bach Remedies and short, meaningful reads as gentle reminders that meaning, beauty and joy are within us.

The Bach Flower Remedies revitalize, restore the inner well being, help us in bringing to light the positive qualities we possess and in overcoming fears, depressions and states alike.

Let your soul grow

Saturday, 9 October 2010

About the definite purpose in life

Dr Bach's life, source Nora Weeks " The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician"

"...1917 he had a severe haemorrhage and became unconscious. He was carried into one of the hospital wards and put to bed and his people sent for, for such was his condition that an immediate operation was necessary if his life was to be saved; indeed, the surgeons gravely doubted that they would be in time [...] He lived through the operation, but still a very grave view was taken. [...] Three months left in which to finish the work he knew was barely begun! Gradually he become reconciled to the thought, but determined, if he were to leave his work unfinished, he would make as full use as possible of the few weeks of life remaining to him. [...] At once he become so immersed in his experiments that he lost all count of time, working day and night, until the light from his laboratory windows was called "the light that never goes out". As weeks and moths slipped by he forgot his own disabilities and found himself growing stronger and when the three months had elapsed he suddenly realized he was in better health than he had been for some years. The men who had seen him at his worst were astounded at his recovery, so much so that one medical friend who had attended his operation and then left immediately for the front, on meeting him suddenly some time afterwards, exclaimed: "But, good God! Bach, you were dead!" This made him pause to consider the reason of his marvellous recovery, of his return to life, as it were; and he come to the conclusion that an absorbing interest, a great love, a definite purpose in life was the deciding factor of man's happiness on earth, and was indeed the incentive which had carried him through his difficulties and helped him in the regaining of his own health. In his later work this great truth is emphasised, for the herbal remedies he discovered hold the power of so revitalising the mind and body that the wish to live and do one's work in life is regained, and with that desire good health returns."

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