Bach Remedies and short, meaningful reads as gentle reminders that meaning, beauty and joy are within us.
The Bach Flower Remedies revitalize, restore the inner well being, help us in bringing to light the positive qualities we possess and in overcoming fears, depressions and states alike.
The Bach Flower Remedies revitalize, restore the inner well being, help us in bringing to light the positive qualities we possess and in overcoming fears, depressions and states alike.
Let your soul grow
Saturday, 4 December 2010
intrebare buna
am fost azi la raw.s. aici. :)
un magazin de produse bio si de delicioase preparate netrecute prin foc. raw.
(am asistat si la o interesanta prezentare de uleiuri esentiale pentru aromaterapie. eu una le folosesc in lampa odoranta pentru comfortul olfactiv si dispozitia placuta pe care le creaza in casa. )
am vorbit putin cu Andreea despre terapii in general si depsre remediile florale.
mi-a pus o intrebare foarte buna: "dar crezi ca toate astea ajuta, daca nu ne confruntam cu problemele pe care le avem si le ocolim ?"
evident ca nu ajuta nici o terapie daca nu ne mobilizam si nu suntem sinceri cu noi. confruntarea este cea prin care recunoastem ca avem problema, acceptam si cautam cai de a o rezolva.
partea de retinut aici este ca, in cazul terapiei florale, cu florile pentru suflet nu avem cum sa ocolim problema. ele nu mascheaza nimic.
starea noasta mentala si emotionala, atitudinea noastra verbala, nonverbala si corporala arata de ce remedii avem nevoie.
ele aduc clarificarea unor stari interioare, straturilor emotionale si mentale, iar persoana care le ia simte efectul in timp. prin clarificare si reasezare armonioasa contactul nostru cu fiinta noastra, sinele nostru, este restabilit si incuarajat.
de acest contact avem nevoie toata viata, pentru a ne mentine fericiti, a ne implini frumos, a ne pastra vitalitatea.
da, da, stiu .. :) o sa ziceti ca suna frumos in teorie, dar ca in practica e greu... cand ceva nu merge sau ne doare...ce facem ? nu ne putem hrani cu teorie ...
atunci avem optiunea de a incerca sa rezolvam, pornind de la noi, ne clarificam, repozitionam in armonie, iar florile pentru suflet exact in aceasta directie ne ajuta.
sa privim in noi si sa pastram legatura cu fiinta noastra, cu izvorul nostru de vitalitate, creativitate, intuitie.
acest lucru presupune - foarte important - sa lucram mereu cu noi, sa privim mereu in noi si sa vedem care sunt acele plusuri de care dispunem (de ex: oamenii din viata noastra, calitatile personale). sa ne bucuram de ele si sa le cultivam. caci ele sunt instrumentele noastre in rezolvarea problemelelor. mici sau mari. nimeni nu e perfect si nimeni nu spune ca este usor. dar avem la dispozitie fiecare zi pentru a ne demonstra cu bucurie indemanarea.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
solutia personala
este incredibil cum florile pentru suflet, (cum imi place sa le spun in loc de termenul prea general de remedii florale ) ne pot face atat de usor sa ne simtim mai bine, sa ne relaxam, sa trecem peste starile de stres, sa ne intelegem mai bine cu ceilalti, sa ne gasim solutiile personale potrivite.
trebuie numai sa privim inauntrul nostru si sa vedem cum ne relationam la propria noastra fiinta, la cei ce ne inconjoara.
ceea ce simtim suntem noi insine. fie ca ne place sau nu.
daca ne place, este minunat ! putem sa continuam sa ne cultivam frumoasele talente, relatii sau orice alte coordonate din viata noastra care ne aduc bucurie.
iar daca nu ne place, avem intotdeauna alegerea de a ne modela pe noi si astfel implicit vietile, in modul ideal pe care il dorim, de a gasi solutia personala.
calea - ca orice cale - ne cere atentie si continuitate.
din fericire , atunci cand ne folosim de florile pentru suflet, drumul este mai simplu. pentru ca ele ne insotesc si ne asista aducandu-ne claritate interioara.
florile pentru suflet sunt si simplu de folosit. primim la consultatie o sticluta personala, cu reteta noastra unica in ea, care ne ajunge timp de aproximativ trei saptamani. din ea luam cate patru picaturi de minim doua ori, ideal de patru ori pe zi.
fiecare are propriul sau timp de raspuns la tratament. in functie si de cat de mult isi doreste gasirea solutiei personale si de cat este de deschis catre sine.
astfel putem avea, variind de la persoana la persoana, cazuri in care o luna este suficienta pentru a imbunatati ceea ce cineva isi doreste. alteori doua.
raspunsul nu intarzie sa apara, o data ce persoana se clarifica pe sine si cu sine.
solutia personala se iveste, pentru ca florile pentru suflet sunt acolo si ne asista.
vezi aici starile in care florile pentru suflet ne sunt de ajutor.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Numeste-ti emotia
Priveste in interioarul tau si numeste emotia pe care o ai. Pozitiva sau negativa, intelegandu-ti emotia, stii ce iti place sau nu, ce te face fericit sau nefericit, ce decizie sa iei, ce raspunsuri sa dai sau sa ceri.
Apoi, cu aceasta intelegere castigata poti sa actionezi intr-un mod pozitiv, avantajos pentru tine.
Suna usor, nu?
Bine, numim, dar, apoi, cum reusim sa facem acel pas ? - sa intelegem cu adevarat ?
Uneori reusim, alteori parca este peste puterile noastre sa trecem peste ce simtim..Parca ramanem prinsi fara scapare si nu mai vedem drumul spre iesire.
Si atunci pentru ca pasul acesta sa ne fie usor iar calea catre intelegere neteda, ne vin in ajutor florile pentru suflet.
Cu numele emotiei noastre in minte, apelam la floarea (v. lista aici) ce ne aduce intelegerea adevarata a emotiei. Si, dintr-o data - asa cum mi s-a intamplat nu de putine ori si mie si celor apropiati mie - simti ca te usurezi de o povara...
Totul devine mai limpede.. Aceasta este intelegerea adevarata.
Dupa, totul se aseaza incet.. stii si poti face ce e bine pentru tine.
Vedeti indicatiile remediilor aici.
flori pentru suflet,
intelegere adevarata
Friday, 29 October 2010
Dr Bach's emergency combination
This remedies mix should always be kept at hand: in your bag, in the office, in your car, at home in the First Aid kit and. This mix can be used in every emergency situation of emotional and psychological tension or shock, like accidents, a visit to the dentist, before a flight, or any event that puts a strain on the body or mind. It can not replace orthodox medical care in case of serious injuries, but it is the perfect complementary remedy.
It releases tension, drives away fear, helps refocus in case of faint, calms down mind and soul. In this way personal energy resources are rapidly recovered and preserved.
Take 4 drops directly under your tongue 4 times a day. In cases of emergency, take 4 drops every 5 minutes.
Macerated Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera L.) petals, Clematis (Clematis vitalba L.) petals, Rock rose (Helianthemum nummularium L.) petals, Cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera L.) petals, Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum L.) petals 0.00025% of the extractive component, Water, Brandy.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
About the definite purpose in life
Dr Bach's life, source Nora Weeks " The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician"
"...1917 he had a severe haemorrhage and became unconscious. He was carried into one of the hospital wards and put to bed and his people sent for, for such was his condition that an immediate operation was necessary if his life was to be saved; indeed, the surgeons gravely doubted that they would be in time [...] He lived through the operation, but still a very grave view was taken. [...] Three months left in which to finish the work he knew was barely begun! Gradually he become reconciled to the thought, but determined, if he were to leave his work unfinished, he would make as full use as possible of the few weeks of life remaining to him. [...] At once he become so immersed in his experiments that he lost all count of time, working day and night, until the light from his laboratory windows was called "the light that never goes out". As weeks and moths slipped by he forgot his own disabilities and found himself growing stronger and when the three months had elapsed he suddenly realized he was in better health than he had been for some years. The men who had seen him at his worst were astounded at his recovery, so much so that one medical friend who had attended his operation and then left immediately for the front, on meeting him suddenly some time afterwards, exclaimed: "But, good God! Bach, you were dead!" This made him pause to consider the reason of his marvellous recovery, of his return to life, as it were; and he come to the conclusion that an absorbing interest, a great love, a definite purpose in life was the deciding factor of man's happiness on earth, and was indeed the incentive which had carried him through his difficulties and helped him in the regaining of his own health. In his later work this great truth is emphasised, for the herbal remedies he discovered hold the power of so revitalising the mind and body that the wish to live and do one's work in life is regained, and with that desire good health returns."
purpose in life,
revitalising mind and body
Sunday, 3 October 2010
About the Bach System
This method of treatment and the thirty-eight Remedies which comprise its pharmacopoeia were discovered by Edward Bach, a renowned physician, who practiced for over twenty years in London as a Harley Street consultant and as a bacteriologist. His name (and fame) is perpetuated by the seven Bach Nosodes which he discovered, and which to this day are still in use. The late Edward Bach, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P., D.H.P., gave up his lucrative practice and research in 1930 to devote his full time to the finding of the Remedies and the perfecting of his method of Flower Healing. He sought for remedies in the plant world which would restore vitality to the sick and ailing, so that the sufferer would be able to overcome this worry, his fear, or his depression, and in that manner assist in his own healing.
Source: Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies, Phillip M. Chancellor
Source: Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies, Phillip M. Chancellor
Sunday, 29 August 2010
The 38 remedies help us regain those positive qualities we may lose under stress, in challenging events or through mismanagement of our own personality.
By taking the remedies you need, you may heal negative moods or character traits, and develop the positive qualities that are necessary to overcome the shortcomings so that you can enjoy health, fulfillment and harmony.
By taking the remedies you need, you may heal negative moods or character traits, and develop the positive qualities that are necessary to overcome the shortcomings so that you can enjoy health, fulfillment and harmony.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
how can a consultation help?
The BFR Practitioner selects the remedies that the client needs. Each bottle is different as each person is different.
The bottle is used in a 3 weeks treatment.
In selecting the remedies the practitioner explains what each remedy is for, enabling the clients to get a better grasp of how the remedies work and most importantly to better understand themselves.
Moreover, in time, the clients may gain enough experience to select for themselves the remedy they might need at a certain moment - to improve daily transitory moods - out of the ones they already tried when prescribed by the practitioner.
The bottle is used in a 3 weeks treatment.
In selecting the remedies the practitioner explains what each remedy is for, enabling the clients to get a better grasp of how the remedies work and most importantly to better understand themselves.
Moreover, in time, the clients may gain enough experience to select for themselves the remedy they might need at a certain moment - to improve daily transitory moods - out of the ones they already tried when prescribed by the practitioner.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
using the remedies daily or for the 3 weeks treatment
The BFR Practitioner prescribes the remedies for recovery, revitalizing or improving personality traits and also for the improvement of daily transitory moods. Thus through balanced mind and emotions general health of the body is achieved and maintained.
For the 3 weeks treatment:
In a 30 ml mixing bottle we add still water from a fresh bottle and 2 drops from the selected remedy/s. For a bottle are used up to 7 remedies.
For the transitory moods:
Two drops form the selected remedy/s are added in a glass of water. Sip from it during the day.
For example for a jumpy morning, with the feeling of getting up on the wrong side of the bed, Impatiens can work really well and calm you down.
For the 3 weeks treatment:
In a 30 ml mixing bottle we add still water from a fresh bottle and 2 drops from the selected remedy/s. For a bottle are used up to 7 remedies.
For the transitory moods:
Two drops form the selected remedy/s are added in a glass of water. Sip from it during the day.
For example for a jumpy morning, with the feeling of getting up on the wrong side of the bed, Impatiens can work really well and calm you down.
Friday, 16 July 2010
selecting the remedies
It’s true that we take BACH FLOWER REMEDIES for the moods and states of mind we have. Still we have to pay attention to the underlying nuances because many times what we feel has a cause.
Let’s have an example:
Anger is quite a common feeling experienced by many people. Behind it however can lie many states of mind that trigger it. For instance: resentment, jealousy, fear, frustration, intolerance, injustice, shame, disappointment, etc.
If you experience feelings of anger take a closer look at them and try to find the underlying cause. Is it fear or disappointment? Loneliness perhaps? Take a few moments for yourself and try to feel it.
The appropriate remedies are selected according to the answer.
Here are a few suggestions as to which remedies might help according to the cause of anger:
Anger out of:
Terror – ROCK ROSE
Intolerance - BEECH
Haste and frustration – IMPATIENS
Shame and self-blame – PINE
Feeling unclean and imperfect – CRAB APPLE
Injustice and mental strain – VERVAIN
Intolerance and loss of control – VINE
Disappointment and discouragement – GENTIAN
Loneliness expressed through talkativeness – HEATHER
Let’s have an example:
Anger is quite a common feeling experienced by many people. Behind it however can lie many states of mind that trigger it. For instance: resentment, jealousy, fear, frustration, intolerance, injustice, shame, disappointment, etc.
If you experience feelings of anger take a closer look at them and try to find the underlying cause. Is it fear or disappointment? Loneliness perhaps? Take a few moments for yourself and try to feel it.
The appropriate remedies are selected according to the answer.
Here are a few suggestions as to which remedies might help according to the cause of anger:
Anger out of:
Terror – ROCK ROSE
Intolerance - BEECH
Haste and frustration – IMPATIENS
Shame and self-blame – PINE
Feeling unclean and imperfect – CRAB APPLE
Injustice and mental strain – VERVAIN
Intolerance and loss of control – VINE
Disappointment and discouragement – GENTIAN
Loneliness expressed through talkativeness – HEATHER
Sunday, 11 July 2010
easy to use
The 38 remedies treat basic human emotions. They remove the negative emotions or states of mind by enhancing the opposite positive quality.
So, how do they actually work?
Let's have an example: someone experiences a state of fear every time confronted with a certain situation, like fear of the dark, of illness, of poverty. For this negative emotion the remedy called Mimulus brings courage sweeping anxiety away.
So it is essential to take a good look at your feelings, reactions to the situations you are in.
There's a quick guide to the remedies' main indications:
1. Agrimony: worries kept hidden from others, inner torture
2. Aspen: fears of unknown origin
3. Beech: criticism, intolerance
4. Centaury: can't say no, weak will and appearance
5. Cerato: self-doubt, constantly seek the advice of others
6. Cherry Plum: mental tension leading to loosing control
7. Chestnut Bud: can't learn from experience, hence repetitive situations
8. Chicory: possessive feelings towards close ones, self-pity
9. Clematis: dreamy, out of focus
10.Crab Apple: obsessed with cleanliness, the purifying remedy
11.Elm: despondency, over-worked by accumulation of tasks and responsibility
12.Gentian: discouragement after setbacks
13.Gorse: loss of hope, despair
14.Heather: self-concern, over-talkative
15.Holly: jealousy, hurt feelings, suspicion, envy
16.Honeysuckle: nostalgia, living in the past, homesickness
17.Hornbeam: fatigue more in the mind than in the body, exhaustion
18.Impatiens: irritability caused by lack of patience
19.Larch: no confidence in oneself, anticipation of failure
20.Mimulus: anxieties of known origin
21.Mustard: melancholy, deep depression
22.Oak: intense efforts, despair
23.Olive: physical exhaustion
24.Pine: guilt, self-blame
25.Red Chestnut: fear for others
26.Rock Rose: terror, panic
27.Rock Water: self-repression, inflexibility
28.Scleranthus: unable to decide between two options, hesitancy, unbalance
29.Star of Bethlehem: in case of mental or physical shock
30.Sweet Chestnut: extreme despair
31.Vervain: strain, over-enthusiasm
32.Vine: dominating, inflexible
33.Walnut: oversensitive to influences, for new beginnings
34.Water Violet: pride, loneliness
35.White Chestnut: repetitive thoughts
36.Wild Oat: dissatisfaction, uncertainty about one's direction in life
37.Wild Rose: resignation
38.Willow: resentment, bitterness
So, how do they actually work?
Let's have an example: someone experiences a state of fear every time confronted with a certain situation, like fear of the dark, of illness, of poverty. For this negative emotion the remedy called Mimulus brings courage sweeping anxiety away.
So it is essential to take a good look at your feelings, reactions to the situations you are in.
There's a quick guide to the remedies' main indications:
1. Agrimony: worries kept hidden from others, inner torture
2. Aspen: fears of unknown origin
3. Beech: criticism, intolerance
4. Centaury: can't say no, weak will and appearance
5. Cerato: self-doubt, constantly seek the advice of others
6. Cherry Plum: mental tension leading to loosing control
7. Chestnut Bud: can't learn from experience, hence repetitive situations
8. Chicory: possessive feelings towards close ones, self-pity
9. Clematis: dreamy, out of focus
10.Crab Apple: obsessed with cleanliness, the purifying remedy
11.Elm: despondency, over-worked by accumulation of tasks and responsibility
12.Gentian: discouragement after setbacks
13.Gorse: loss of hope, despair
14.Heather: self-concern, over-talkative
15.Holly: jealousy, hurt feelings, suspicion, envy
16.Honeysuckle: nostalgia, living in the past, homesickness
17.Hornbeam: fatigue more in the mind than in the body, exhaustion
18.Impatiens: irritability caused by lack of patience
19.Larch: no confidence in oneself, anticipation of failure
20.Mimulus: anxieties of known origin
21.Mustard: melancholy, deep depression
22.Oak: intense efforts, despair
23.Olive: physical exhaustion
24.Pine: guilt, self-blame
25.Red Chestnut: fear for others
26.Rock Rose: terror, panic
27.Rock Water: self-repression, inflexibility
28.Scleranthus: unable to decide between two options, hesitancy, unbalance
29.Star of Bethlehem: in case of mental or physical shock
30.Sweet Chestnut: extreme despair
31.Vervain: strain, over-enthusiasm
32.Vine: dominating, inflexible
33.Walnut: oversensitive to influences, for new beginnings
34.Water Violet: pride, loneliness
35.White Chestnut: repetitive thoughts
36.Wild Oat: dissatisfaction, uncertainty about one's direction in life
37.Wild Rose: resignation
38.Willow: resentment, bitterness
Sunday, 16 May 2010
how can the Bach Flower Remedies help?
The Bach Flower Remedies are gentle, no second effects remedies that bring balance and improvement to our moods and states of mind. They do not treat physical problems but restore our inner wellbeing. Positive attitudes and feelings trigger positive response from our bodies; health is thus preserved or recovered swifter.
The mind and soul are responsible for our health.
Being himself extremely ill at a point in his life, Dr. Bach experienced the way the motivation and inner balance influence the recovery. He thought that it is the way we relate to what surrounds us - the way we respond and fell in a certain situation - that influences positively or negatively our body and recovery.
His theory is simple. I'm sure it's crossed your mind that our negative emotions like anxieties, worries, faults, may throw us off balance and prolonged exposure to them may eventually cause physical symptoms.
The 38 remedies help us regain those positive qualities we lost along the way under stress, in traumatic events or through mismanagement of our own personality.
The remedies heal the negative moods or character traits, and develop the positive qualities that are necessary to overcome the shortcomings so that we can enjoy health, fulfillment and harmony in our lives.
The mind and soul are responsible for our health.
Being himself extremely ill at a point in his life, Dr. Bach experienced the way the motivation and inner balance influence the recovery. He thought that it is the way we relate to what surrounds us - the way we respond and fell in a certain situation - that influences positively or negatively our body and recovery.
His theory is simple. I'm sure it's crossed your mind that our negative emotions like anxieties, worries, faults, may throw us off balance and prolonged exposure to them may eventually cause physical symptoms.
The 38 remedies help us regain those positive qualities we lost along the way under stress, in traumatic events or through mismanagement of our own personality.
The remedies heal the negative moods or character traits, and develop the positive qualities that are necessary to overcome the shortcomings so that we can enjoy health, fulfillment and harmony in our lives.
bach flower remedies,
Saturday, 15 May 2010
why flowers ?
Let's think for a minute how wonderful they are ! The delicate shapes, the vibrant colors, the enchanting perfumes ! Their shapes may vary from the smallest and simplest to the fullest and most elaborate, the color from the palest to the richest, the perfume to the faintest to the strongest. And so many of them may bring us such delight !
We experience such a sense of peace, relaxation and happiness whenever we contemplate and dive into the wonder of a flower.
They are meant to elevate our spirits and to remind us of the permanent beauty surrounding us. Ancient cultures talked of their beauty and resembled them to the stars. I can't recall where exactly I read this but I couldn't forget it: " Flowers are for the earth what stars are for the sky. " That is, pure enchantment and wisdom !
Not only that they elevate our spirits with their presence but they also provide useful remedies for treating various physical or emotional unbalances.
At the beginning of the last century, after years of research Dr. Edward Bach - British medical doctor and bacteriologist, 1886-1936 - selected 38 flowers that can help us better cope with life's challenges and improve our personality traits.
Let's think for a minute how wonderful they are ! The delicate shapes, the vibrant colors, the enchanting perfumes ! Their shapes may vary from the smallest and simplest to the fullest and most elaborate, the color from the palest to the richest, the perfume to the faintest to the strongest. And so many of them may bring us such delight !
We experience such a sense of peace, relaxation and happiness whenever we contemplate and dive into the wonder of a flower.
They are meant to elevate our spirits and to remind us of the permanent beauty surrounding us. Ancient cultures talked of their beauty and resembled them to the stars. I can't recall where exactly I read this but I couldn't forget it: " Flowers are for the earth what stars are for the sky. " That is, pure enchantment and wisdom !
Not only that they elevate our spirits with their presence but they also provide useful remedies for treating various physical or emotional unbalances.
At the beginning of the last century, after years of research Dr. Edward Bach - British medical doctor and bacteriologist, 1886-1936 - selected 38 flowers that can help us better cope with life's challenges and improve our personality traits.
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