Bach Remedies and short, meaningful reads as gentle reminders that meaning, beauty and joy are within us.

The Bach Flower Remedies revitalize, restore the inner well being, help us in bringing to light the positive qualities we possess and in overcoming fears, depressions and states alike.

Let your soul grow

Quick guide to the remedies' main indications

There's a quick guide to the remedies' main indications:

1. Agrimony: worries kept hidden from others, inner torture
2. Aspen: fears of unknown origin
3. Beech: criticism, intolerance
4. Centaury: can't say no, weak will and appearance
5. Cerato: self-doubt, constantly seek the advice of others
6. Cherry Plum: mental tension leading to loosing control
7. Chestnut Bud: can't learn from experience, hence repetitive situations
8. Chicory: possessive feelings towards close ones, self-pity
9. Clematis: dreamy, out of focus
10.Crab Apple: obsessed with cleanliness, the purifying remedy
11.Elm: despondency, over-worked by accumulation of tasks and responsibility
12.Gentian: discouragement after setbacks
13.Gorse: loss of hope, despair
14.Heather: self-concern, over-talkative
15.Holly: jealousy, hurt feelings, suspicion, envy
16.Honeysuckle: nostalgia, living in the past, homesickness
17.Hornbeam: fatigue more in the mind than in the body, exhaustion
18.Impatiens: irritability caused by lack of patience
19.Larch: no confidence in oneself, anticipation of failure
20.Mimulus: anxieties of known origin
21.Mustard: melancholy, deep depression
22.Oak: intense efforts, despair
23.Olive: physical exhaustion
24.Pine: guilt, self-blame
25.Red Chestnut: fear for others
26.Rock Rose: terror, panic
27.Rock Water: self-repression, inflexibility
28.Scleranthus: unable to decide between two options, hesitancy, unbalance
29.Star of Bethlehem: in case of mental or physical shock
30.Sweet Chestnut: extreme despair
31.Vervain: strain, over-enthusiasm
32.Vine: dominating, inflexible
33.Walnut: oversensitive to influences, for new beginnings
34.Water Violet: pride, loneliness
35.White Chestnut: repetitive thoughts
36.Wild Oat: dissatisfaction, uncertainty about one's direction in life
37.Wild Rose: resignation
38.Willow: resentment, bitterness